Hello World. I'm Jason, and this is my website that I made all by myself in 2021.
I enjoy writing, coding, video games, photography, and hanging out with my dog.
Here are some books I have written:
I once made some custom maps for Duke Nukem 3D, download them!:
My friend and I also spent a lot of time farming Terraria items recently. If you want, you can download a copy of our secret stash world where we moved all of our duplicate items.
Another all-time-favorite game of mine is NBA JAM, especially the Game Gear version. I am also a big fan of the classic arcade game Joust.
I also have a sometimes-professional / mostly software engineering related blog, and once in a while (very rarely) I put something slightly interesting up on my github.
If you would like to contact me, click on a logo that you are familiar with:
That's all for now I guess. Thanks for stopping by!